Monday, 3 January 2011

After Holiday Catch up...

So I have been at home for the past 2 weeks due to Christmas, was meant to be in New York, however due to the snow our flight was cancelled!
I'm not going to lie it did but a little bit of a dampener on our christmas sprits, however a few things made up for it, I got to spend £300 on clothes and jewelry and my did I spend, and one of my oldest friends got engaged to her boyfriend, so we went and celebrated that after christmas!
I finally got my House of Harlow 1960 rings and a necklace that I have been lusting after for AGES! (post to come) I also got a new coat, a bag, tops, rings DVDs and Books.
Oh and the best christmas present I did get was that I am going to see Katy Perry in march! Very excited about that!!

So all round it was a pretty smashing christmas and new years, just different to watch I expected :)

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year pretties...

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